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Friday, March 26, 2010

Brazil: My favorite place to visit

Hello everyone. I created this blog because I love to travel first and foremost, and my favorite vacation spot in the world is BRAZIL! You may be asking, "well have you traveled around the world yet?" My answer is "no", however I have traveled to many countries and so far Brazil is in the lead. I first visited Brazil...specifically Rio De Janeiro, Brazil back in February 2005 for the world famous Rio Carnaval. I have been going every since. Rio is a beautiful city, beautiful beaches, and very beautiful women! I will be posting pictures to give you a visual as to why I like Brazil so much. Although Brazil, like many large cities in the world does have problems such as high crime, corruption, poverty, etc.....if you go there and use your street common sense that I am sure most of you reading this already should be fine. For example, counting your money outside for everyone to see, wearing expensive jewelry that will bring bad attention to you..etc, etc.

As I mentioned earlier, I will be posting pictures and videos for your pleasure. I am a photographer and I also have gotten back into filmmaking. I recently shot a documentary in Brazil which first talks about the life and story of an American who was raised in New York, but has lived in Brazil now for 25 years. His name is John Thompson. This documentary is still in the making as editing can be quite time consuming, however the film will talk about various topics concerning Brazil such has tourism, politics, activism, entertainment, and much more. Although by the strict definition of "third world", Brazil is in fact a third world to date, however many economists are predicting Brazil to be a "superpower" country in the years to come. This will also be discussed in the film. It is also my personal prediction that relations between the U.S. and Brazil will gradual improve. More people have been interested in traveling to Brazil since Brazil won the 2016 Olympics bid.

Traveling to a foreign country for the first time can be quite undaunting for many people and just down right scary for others. Wouldn't be nice if you already new someone who spoke the native language (Portuguese in Brazil) who could communicate and translate for you, and also if for some strange reason you gotten into any trouble, would help bail you out? Well I have provided you with that contact. So if that was the only reason keeping you from traveling to Brazil, I hope I just solved that problem. I don't consider myself an "expert", however if I should be able to answer any questions you may have if you are a first timer.

Please sign up for my newsletter and I will be giving you periodic updates on Brazil info / updates. Thanks for reading my post.

Big Ben