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Hotels vs. Apartments in Brazil

Many people are curious as to which accomodations are best....hotel or apartment when traveling in Brazil. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, however the answer to this question is "it depends". For example, if you are a guy who is traveling alone or with other male friends, I would recommend staying in an apartment. You have more "control" over your room and you don't have to worry about strict guest policies that many of the hotels have. The apartments have security and most have full kitchens if you choose to cook or store larger amounts of food and drink. The down side to apartments is that you don't have the cleaning lady to clean your room and change your sheets. If you are a slob, you are going to have to tighten your game up while on vacation and clean everything yourself. Hard work isnt it?
If you are on the with your spouse or significant other, I would recommend the hotel. Hotels have more amenities than apartments, which is something most women demand, and you have clean up service and room service. Strict guest policies should not be an issue if you are with your spouse or significant other so your main focus should be amenities and cleaniless. I WOULD NOT recommend single individuals to get a hotel. Once again the hotels often times has strict guest polices which may limit your ability to entertain new friends that you have made on vacation. If you have any further questions regarding this, hit me back.

1 comment:

  1. One additional point is that in addition to the flexibility that renting a short term apartment gives you with entertaining, you will also likely save a considerable amount of money with this option. Unfortunately this will likely be limited to high tourist areas. If you venture outside of these areas, I would suggest some of the local Brazilian hotels. They offer great value, they are secure and most are also English speaking for those have not picked up the language. Boa viagem!
